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Ways on How to improve your Long Distance Relationship?

Long Distance Relationship: Things to consider

image source : quotespictures / socialmeems

Relationship cannot be measured on how many miles you are apart. As long as you know in your hearts that distance will not be the reason to end your love for each other.

A lot of people have a mindset that Long Distance relationship is one of the most hard kind of status there is.Your hearts belong to each other but you cannot show your affection personally because you are separated by thousands of kilometers.

Here are several things to consider when you are in a Long Distance Relationship.

1. Trust

It has been proven that the lack of trust is one of the reasons why most people's long distance relationship does not succeed. Trust is the best foundation of it. Without this characteristics the relationship will only revolve around fighting and jealousy. There will be a lot of what ifs in both of their minds.

2. Understand

Always put yourself in their position. Never let yourself feel that you are the only thing that he needs to give time to. He has other things that needs attention as well. Always give the best amount of patience that you can possibly give.

3. Cherish every moment together

In a relationship where time zones are different, time is very important for the couple. Either having a video chat or just a phone call don't wasted the opportunity to create memories and share stories to each other. You may not be together physically but as long as your hearts beats it will always be happy for the time and attention that you can give for each other.

4. Love unconditionally

Love without asking for anything in return. Show them that you are grateful that you have them in your life even though you are miles apart. Never ever let your doubts and fears be greater that the amount of trust and love for each other. Do not let other people judge the relationship that you have. You and your partner are the only ones who has the right to make decisions in your relationship

This video is an example of a long distance story:

source: youtubesocialmeems
