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WATCH: Facebook is considering adding 'Dislike Button

Zuckerburg said: Facebook is thinking about Dislike Button

image source : facebook/abs-cbnnews

One of the most requested features on Facebook is the dislike button. A lot of Facebook users are looking forward to this additional feature.

In an open Question and Answer interview with the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg answered the top voted questions of the user and one of these is the adding of Dislike Button and the Hug Button.

According to Zuckerburg, the company is considering about adding that feature but it will be under research first because the dislike button can give a negative effect on the uploaders and users on Facebook.

Based on the interview Zuckerburg said that, "But there are more sentiments that people want to express than just positivity. A lot of times people share things on Facebook that are sad moments in their lives. And often people tell us that they don't feel comfortable pressing 'like' because it isn't appropriate.

He wanted to put it in a positive way that it could lessen the dangers of the dislike button. The existence of Like button had been significant to the users because it shows the compassion of other people towards the updates of one person.

Adding the dislike button can put other people into shame because of the amount of dislikes and negative things that they can get.

He also added, ""I think giving people the power to do that in more ways with more emotions would be powerful, but we need to figure out the right way to do it, that it ends up being a force for good and not a force for bad or demeaning the post that people are putting out there,"

The Q&A session was held in the company's Townhall. The video was uploaded on the official Facebook account of the CEO, Mark Zuckerburg.

Facebook is continuously looking for other ways that they can let the users express their emotions toward other people but in a positive way.
