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WATCH: Adorably confused baby meets twins very first time

Baby boy introduced to twin his reaction was priceless

Image source : screenshot photo from youtube
When you see two people who looks exactly the same it is not impossible that you will be confused as well. Especially when they are dressed the same and they are an identical twins.

Even adults are having problem identifying which is which. But if you get to know them both that is when you will see all their differences.

But for an adorable baby who have seen an identical twin for the first time, it will definitely be confusing.

This little boy's reaction when he was put in between the two babies who looked exactly the same was priceless.On his right he saw a baby crying but when he turned to his right he saw the same baby but she was not crying at all.

The confused baby was named Landon, if we can only read the baby's mind he would definitely something that goes like, "ughh you were just at the right side, how did you get there so fast?". He took several turns left and right to make sure that the baby was still there.

It was an accomplishment to be able to film a precious moment like this because it was not scripted the reactions were raw and there were no acting added.

source: Rumble Viral

This video was uploaded on Youtube by Rumble Viral on December 10, 2014. Since it was uploaded the video has gained more than 5 million views and thousand more views it will soon reach 6 million views.
