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WATCH: Dad created a Time-lapse video of daughter from the day she was born until 14 years old

Dad created a time lapse video of daughter's 14 years of existence

Image source : screenshot from youtube
From the day his daughter was born, he started filming her for atleast 15 seconds every week up until she was already 14 years old.

Watch this amazing time lapse video that was created by Frans Hofmeester.

In this video you will how a certain girl, Lotte, the daughter of Frans as she transformed from the time that she was still a baby. At first the video was just a baby. Her hair was not as much. But as she grows old. the video will show you how amazingly she turned into a wonderful teenager.

As the time goes by, she was starting to fix herself up. Almost looking like a woman. She started blooming like a flower in the spring time.

It will truly show you the beauty of humanity as they were undergoing the process of growing up.

This video was uploaded on Youtube last April 10, 2014 by Frans Hofmeester the father of the girl on the video. It is a compilation of 15 seconds video that was filmed every week from the moment that she was born. It was accelerated into four minutes.

source: Hofmeester
The viewers of the film was amazed the the beautiful process that the child had undergone. She turned out to be a gorgeous girl when she hit the age 14 and some of them even said that she will be more beautiful when she starts to become a woman.
