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WATCH: When your girlfriend has her period

This guys attempts to make a very touching and sweet video of how to make her girlfriend feel loved.

Image source : Screenshot from youtube
He wanted to show his friend how sweet he is. It's just that the response that he was looking for was not the response he was expecting.

He sent out a message that states how much he loves his girl. But instead of getting a message that was as sweet as their relationship, he got a reply that responded like "mmmkaaaay."

Source : kobe magalong
According to the title, it portrays a girl when she is on her monthly period. All the mood swings that she has makes her the most difficult person to deal with.

One time she was very sweet and later on she will be very cold.

The best thing to do for a girl who is having her monthly period is to understand her and give her chocolates.

Although chocolates doesn't cure the pain that she is going through, it produces chemicals in the body that lessens the depression and anxiety that girls are going through.

